Sunday 6 May 2012

We're back

Anyone with anything to do with Early to the Vineyard will probably be fully aware that we've been nothing more than inactive over the last few months. 2012 was sizing up to be a big year for us, gigs were coming in thick and fast, discussions of further recordings were bouncing around and new songs were being created almost too fast for us to keep up with. Then it all just stopped. It's not for me to go in to the details of why but is for me to announce that we're back and with more passion, excitement and sense of expectation than before. This time of dryness in the vineyard has not been a time of futility or waste. More a strengthening of the foundations. We've reaffirmed why we do this and have improved how we do it. We've become more aware of the need to persistently improve and grow and make sure we're giving G-d our very best. Whenever we've talked, met or played as a band recently there's been much more purpose to it and we can't wait to play gigs again. Keep your eyes open for dates.
Thank you as always for your continued support friends.
Peace be with you.

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